

January 17, 2022

so i’ve been trying to make a stomp client and server using rust # It’s been an experience to say the least. starting off # First order of business is to find what already exists. tokio-stomp stomp-rs I’m sure there are others but both of these have not been updated in a few years. Looks like it’s time for a new stomp websocket handler built in rust. Don’t say it. ...

3d printing

July 12, 2021

The ender 3 v2 is a good machine for getting started in 3d printing. To get solid, consistent prints you need to take a few extra steps after assembling: Install a bl-touch. Set up a raspberry pi with octoprint. (Optional) Connecting your printer to your pi Turns out there’s some issue with voltages that causes some wonkiness if you just use a normal usb a to micro usb cable when connecting your printer to your pi. ...


March 14, 2021

i created a macropad a while back # I was pretty happy that the circuit board worked out first try. I followed ai03’s guide found here and had almost no issues once I figured out what KiCad expected from me. Unfortunately the firmware code is long gone. I remember I had a problem figuring out the orientation QMK expected compared to the physical layout of the board. I think I ended up transposing my code 90 degrees counter-clockwise in order for the keys to work as expected. ...