

January 17, 2022

so i’ve been trying to make a stomp client and server using rust #

It’s been an experience to say the least.

starting off #

First order of business is to find what already exists.

  1. tokio-stomp
  2. stomp-rs

I’m sure there are others but both of these have not been updated in a few years. Looks like it’s time for a new stomp websocket handler built in rust. Don’t say it.

moving forward #

Lets look at just websockets. Maybe there are some well maintained crates out there. Remember we want both a client and a server in our crate to enable rapid development.

  1. rust-websocket
  2. tungstenite-rs
  3. tokio-tungstenite
  4. actix

Rust-websocket recommends that you do not use their crate and instead suggests tungstenite-rs or tokio-tungstenite. Actix-web apparently can handle websockets, however it does not seem straightforward. Because I’m lazy and want a single executable capable (but not necessarily good) at handling both the client and the server it made sense to utilize tokio-tungstenite. Tokio can let me do things like spawning a thread for both the client and the server. And I’d rather not coerce actix into handling websockets - that seems like a recipe for disaster.

Let’s try out some examples.

this should be easy #

Tokio-tungstenite has an examples directory so it should be straightforward to get things going. Just kidding this is rust of course not. This should save you some time. Running the examples in your own project is not as simple as just a copy and paste in the rust world. With no cargo.toml provided you need to figure out your own.

so what is stomp #

Glad you asked, I’m not really sure. Here’s the definition of the protocol. This has a lot of text. Instead of trying to understand any of that why not get started right away.

Introducing wade. A soon-to-be-work-in-progress rust based STOMP websocket client and server. Currently all it does is actually make the client and server examples found in tokio-tungstenite runnable in a single executable.